Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I got my proof in!

If you're on my list of friends on Facebook (if you aren't on my friends list -- send me a request!), then you may have heard me announce that I got the proof for Holly's Story in the mail yesterday. I took a few minutes to snap some photos so that I could share my joy with all of you.

Here's the front cover. I am so thankful that Jennifer at Polestar Graphics went in this direction. It's so clean and fresh -- eye-catching.

Here's the back. When I first saw what Jennifer did with the back cover, I screamed a little scream of joy. The way she connected the front cover to the back cover went well beyond any expectations I had when it came to cover design.

Finally, the inside. It printed beautifully. The font isn't too small or too big.

Within 5 minutes of getting the proof I noticed a typo before I could finish the fiirst two pages.  It's okay, though, typos are easy to fix, and I won't need to order another proof once I fix them.

I'm really looking forward to being able to put up a "Such and such a date is the official release date!" post.

Tell me what you think!


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog... I'm following you back now! :)

    I cannot wait to hear more about your book!

  2. Oh yes I love the cover. Really looks great and I would definitely pick up that book in the book store. Exciting stuff!

  3. Pup Fan: Thank you so much! I also subscribed via email so I wouldn't miss anything.

    Peggy: I'm so glad you like the cover. I've been really wondering what the public reaction to it would be, and I'm hoping most people share your reaction!

  4. Wow - how exciting!! Congratulations, we don't have many famous friends so we'll tell everyone! Thanks for visiting us, hope to read more about you all, Dex and Louis xxx

  5. Thank you Dex and Louis! I'm not quite famous yet, but I plan to be! lol

  6. Wow- this is so exciting! I'm in the process of writing a book too. :) But not nearly as far along as you are! So... can I ask you a question? How did you find your publisher? A lot of the ones I've looked into have told me that don't accept unsolicited manuscripts.
    You can contact me on Twitter: MyFavPupJamine (you're already following me)
    Or probably best to email through Facebook. I'm C.j. and'Jasmine . =)

  7. That's great! I'd love to hear about it. I'm self-publishing through CreateSpace and various ebook formats.

    I'll be sending you a message on Facebook shortly!

  8. This is absolutely gorgeous! How excited are you???

  9. Thank you, PL! I am extremely excited!
