Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Win a year supply of dog food!

I've been pretty quiet for a week or so as I work on some (aggravating) typos in the book. I'll be putting up a couple of posts this week about two foster dogs currently in my care.
In the meantime, PetsWeekly and BuddyMeals are holding a giveaway from now through May 12.

Every day a winner is chosen to receive 5 free Buddy Meals, and the grand prize will be a year supply of Buddy Meals! That's huge!!

Entering is so EASY.  Visit the PetsWeekly website for directions!


  1. I've never seen these buddy meals before. What a cool idea! Kelly wants me to hurry up and enter!

  2. I know, I thought it was such a great idea too!

    I won one of the daily prizes of 5 Buddy Meals, so I look forward to getting them and putting them to use.
